
Monday, June 24, 2013

Moments of Doom

Fun. Adventure. We change, but we stay where we are. Here progress, there some development, problems will come and go. We don't know why. We like to admit. Excuses... We like security but our roots dig deep into trouble. We blame too much, too many, too little. We don't want to enjoy however much we got.

As information becomes power we are entitled to our castles and we slave on for maintenance sake because appearances are what we like to judge ourselves by. Yet, what can possibly be wonderful about this world anymore? We have experience piled up to the ends of the earth, we have flown everywhere and back, from all the stories people tell... Well forsake the universe with all its emptiness, how about a cup of special for the moment - let's chat.

Settle down. Life, not madness gives importance. Let us begin again, from kindness, take an incremental sip of caffeine... then slowly get your zone back.

Mystery. What comes next? The primary motivator which boggles intellectual design. All our planning comes to naught, we're all lonely astronauts. We are great, but if nobody knows about it, who cares? What is a challenge if it will not seem to escape us even by a moderation? It is the senses which help make magic real. It is reality which gives the magician feels, arriving always only just in time for the next to the latest applause.

Knowledge has direction, understanding has flow, and wisdom has destination but the only thing that matters has to be the connection because without it we will never have enough. We know that we are incomplete. We are never merely satisfied to simply listen, understand, and repeat.

We are stuck on just right. We don't even half believe that we are right. We make allowances, but we really have to be the way and not let others get in the way of us. If people will not let you be right, then shouldn't it be obvious that they are wrong? Persevere - like a little wild flower. Find your inner beauty and show the rest of us what it's really like to be the world.

To really be, you have to do. be the hero, by being yourself. Heroic deeds comes from curiosity to follow, and you keep your curiosity even when the magic thread of perseverance wears thin. Curiosity kills cats, but you are a wildflower. you bring beauty to the land. Curiosity also leads to hope when you are at the end of your ropes, and hope leads to courage, when you are afraid and you cannot see the reasons why you are still holding on. You let go of yourself. You make a leap of faith. you become the hero and that's when you catch up with your mistakes. That's how you know. mistakes are not mistakes. You are meant to be.
If you think taking over the galaxy is tough, try taking over yourself...

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